From November 22, 2018

God has been doing some amazing things over the past couple months. I have been learning a lot about the Amish culture and areas of ministry that may be needed for ministry among them. The more I learn about them the more I realize how much of a harvest field they are.

The ministry with the girls has been growing. When I arrived there were two girls living in the apartments. As of last week there are now five girls. In the past several weeks two of the girls have gone for counseling and while the one was there she gave her heart to the Lord. We give God all the praise for that!

Although there have been times when we are quite busy it has seemed to settle a little into a general routine such as helping babysit baby Caleb, helping in the office, helping with the store when needed, and taking girls to and from work.

I have also had the opportunity to do a couple deputation services and more to come. I am excited to share with churches what God has been doing and help them understand more about my ministry. Please pray for the girls that I am ministering to. Some of them are bitter and want very little to nothing to do with Christianity while others are searching and need guidance.

Thanks so much for your prayers!

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