2022 In Review

Happy New Year! It is hard to believe 2023 is already here. As I look back over the previous year I am so thankful with the progress that was made. Because I did not post about what happened in 2022, I wanted to post about the highlights of the past year. In October of 2021 … Read more

Summer Happenings

This summer been a very busy but exciting summer! In order to give more time to other aspects of Amish ministry I have begun to back down my hours at the grocery store. This has really freed me up and it has been great walking through the doors that God has opened for me since … Read more

From January 15, 2021

SPECIAL PRAYER REQUEST One of my Amish contacts in the area is asking for prayer for her sister-in-law Katie Fisher and her family. Katie has been battling cancer for a while and recently thought that she might be in remission. However, just the other day she got the news that the tumor is bigger than … Read more

From October 13, 2020

Part 2 about my trip to Maine is finally here! Attending an Amish church service was very different. I had a similar experience when I went to Dave and Martha’s wedding last fall so I knew a little of what to expect. There were many things that were different from the typical Amish church service. … Read more

From October 10, 2020

Yesterday I told you about how God has begun to provide the needed funds to get certified for a taxi service. Today I want to tell you about how God allowed me to take my friends, Dave and Martha, and some of their friends and family to Smyrna, Maine. I will break this post up … Read more

From October 9, 2020

God is working and answering prayer! I have been praying about starting a taxi service for the Amish in order to meet more Amish on a personal level. However, in order to do that I am required to obtain certification with the PUC which costs quite a bit of money. I had no idea how … Read more

From November 19, 2019

Wow! What a ride these past couple months have been! In the short time I have been here I have had some great experiences. I have been able to make some friends among some of the Amish that I work with. One of those girls I really enjoy working with. We started make hoagies together … Read more

From September 20, 2019

It is hard to believe that it has been a month since I moved to PA. It has been a very busy month. I began classes August 27 and I began working at a local grocery store August 26 so my days have been filled with activity. So far I have enjoyed my job working … Read more

From August 19, 2019

I was able to find an apartment! Thank you to those of you who prayed about this situation. Last week, the Lord provided a nice 2 bedroom apartment just east of State College, PA and my plans are to move this Wednesday. I will not be able to move in right away, so my belongings … Read more

From August 7, 2019

Greetings! I just wanted to update you all on what has been happening. Over the past few weeks I have felt like the Lord has been leading me back to central Pennsylvania. I prayed a lot about it and felt peace about it. I have also felt like the Lord wants me to take a … Read more