From November 19, 2019

Wow! What a ride these past couple months have been! In the short time I have been here I have had some great experiences. I have been able to make some friends among some of the Amish that I work with. One of those girls I really enjoy working with. We started make hoagies together and developed a friendship. I am excited to see where this friendship will lead. Pray the the Lord will open up more doors to cultivate that friendship.

I also had the great opportunity to go to an Amish wedding. The bride was a childhood friend of mine. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced, but I would go to another in a heartbeat. For those of you who have never experienced an Amish wedding, if you thought preachers who preach an hour was tough, the bishop preached 1 1/2-2 hours. Add to the fact that I didn’t know what was being said, it got a little long. All this was after an hour of singing.

Thank you to everyone who prays for Amish ministry. I believe God has something special in mind for it and I want to be available to be used in any way God wants to help advance His kingdom.

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